This webpage will be updated periodically with the latest grant opportunities available to businesses in Barnstable. For any grant related inquiries, please contact Kyle Pedicini, Assistant Director of Planning & Development at or 774-487-1246.
Current Grant Opportunities
Underutilized Properties Program
The State’s Underutilized Properties Program offers up to $1,000,000 to support projects that target investment in underutilized, abandoned, or vacant properties. Applications are now being accepted through the MA One Stop Grant Portal by June 4, 2025.
TDI Equity Program
MassDevelopment’s TDI Equity Investment Program offers up to $250,000 to support investments in commercial properties in and around TDI Districts, including Barnstable’s Hyannis TDI District. Applications are now being accepted through the MA One Stop Grant Portal by June 4, 2025.
MassDEP Commercial Refrigeration Grant
Through its Commercial Refrigeration Grant Program, MassDEP is providing financial incentives to new or existing retail food locations, food banks, and nonprofit institutions for voluntary adoption of more climate-friendly, low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants in commercial refrigeration equipment across the state. MassDEP will accept applications on first-come, first-served basis until all available funding is spent.
Cape Light Compact Business Incentives
Cape Light Compact offers business incentives for energy-efficiency measures for existing buildings, new construction, and major renovation projects. Eligible expenses include new lighting, refrigeration/freezer units, HVAC upgrades, and energy management systems.
They also offer comprehensive energy assessments for existing buildings that can provide additional incentives for energy related building upgrades.
Amber Grant for Women-Owned Businesses
Amber Grants offer up to $25,000 in grants to women-owned businesses, with awards made on a monthly basis.
Past Grant Opportunities
Downtown Hyannis Façade Improvement Grant Program
The Town of Barnstable Planning & Development Department, in partnership with the Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District (BID), is excited to announce the availability of $115,000 in funding for a 2024 Small Business Façade Improvement Grant Program. Grants are available up to a maximum of $20,000 and require at least 20% matching funds from the applicant.
This grant program is available to all properties in the Hyannis Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) District, which extends from Yarmouth Road to High School Road in Hyannis. Eligible improvements include new signage, windows, planters, painting, masonry, siding, doors, awnings and/or structural or design changes. The program is intended to improve the aesthetics of downtown Hyannis and enhance the quality of commercial properties in the area.
The application deadline for the 2024 program is March 24, 2024 and awarded projects must be completed by December 31, 2024. Applications can be found on the Hyannis BID website. Preference will be given to projects that can be completed by June 30, 2024 and are consistent with Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission guidelines.
Digital Growth Accelerator Program
This program offers training and support for local businesses to double their growth in four industries: food/beverage, retail, personal services, and professional services. The program is particularly but not exclusively geared to minority and immigrant-owned businesses that may need extra help expanding their customer base. Interested businesses can apply by March 11th and can contact Tina at and 617-410-4339.
MassDEP Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant
The MassDEP’s Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant Program provides funding to Massachusetts businesses and non-profit organizations to expand recycling, reuse, and composting infrastructure in Massachusetts. Applications are due March 29, 2024.
National Grid Small Business Energy Relief Grant Program
National Grid recently announced it will donate $800,000 to eight Chambers of Commerce in Massachusetts to support local small businesses. The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce will receive $100,000, which will then distribute in grants of $1,000 to 100 small businesses with fewer than 150 employees. Grants applications are available on a first-come, first-served basis while funds last.
Biz-M-Power Crowdfunding Grant Program
The Biz-M-Power crowdfunding matching grant program offers small businesses in Massachusetts financial assistance with their acquisition, expansion, improvement or lease of a facility, purchase or lease of equipment, or with meeting other capital needs for the business. Grants of up to $20,000 are available through June 30, 2023.
Collaborative Workspace Program
The Collaborative Workspace Program from MassDevelopment awards matching grants for the planning, development, and build-out of different types of collaborative workspaces. Up to $100,000 is available for fit-out grants or up to $15,000 is available for seed grants. This application is a part of the MA Community One Stop for Growth application, which is due on June 2nd, 2023.
Mass Growth Community Capital Hotel + Motel Relief Grant Program
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has made $75,000,000 available to hotels and motels negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program will award grants up to $2,000,000 per property for eligible hotels and motels. Applications are due July 14, 2023.
Mass Growth Community Capital Inclusive Recovery Grant
The state has made $75,000,000 available to support small businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program targets businesses that focus on reaching markets predominantly made up of socially and economically disadvantaged and historically underrepresented groups, underserved markets, and those owned by minorities, women, veterans, immigrants, first-generation immigrants, disabled individuals, or those that identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. MGCC will administer grants up to $75,000 for eligible small businesses. Applications are due April 28, 2023.
Empower Digital Grant Program
The Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation is offering grants of up to $10,000 to assist small businesses to develop and expand their digital capabilities. Businesses must partner with a Small Business Technical assistance provider to apply, with Cape Cod Young Professionals (CCYP) serving as the Cape region’s local provider. If you are interested in applying for this grant, please contact Kristen Vose Clothier, CEO of CCYP, at The grant program closed on March 31, 2023.
Local Business Boost Grant Program
The Local Business Boost grant program offers one-on-one technical assistance and implementation support to small businesses in downtown Hyannis. The program provides an assessment of the local business recipients to determine their service, ranging from e-commerce development and social media planning to interior improvements or merchandising assistance, and match them with qualified local service providers. Most grants will be in the range of $5,000 – $6,000 and applications are due February 10th at 5pm.
Cultural Facilities Fund
The Cultural Facilities Fund is a capital grant program through MassDevelopment. The Fund offers matching grants of up to $200,000 to help nonprofit cultural organizations plan for, renovate, expand, and repair their facilities. The next application deadline is February 2, 2023.