Downtown Hyannis Small Business Façade Improvement Grant Program
The Town of Barnstable Planning & Development Department, in partnership with the Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District (BID), is excited to announce the availability of $115,000 in funding for a 2024 Small Business Façade Improvement Grant Program. Grants are available up to a maximum of $20,000 and require at least 20% matching funds from the applicant.
This grant program is available to all properties in the Hyannis Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) District, which extends from Yarmouth Road to High School Road in Hyannis. Eligible improvements include new signage, windows, planters, painting, masonry, siding, doors, awnings and/or structural or design changes. The program is intended to improve the aesthetics of downtown Hyannis and enhance the quality of commercial properties in the area.
The application deadline for the 2024 program is March 24, 2024 and awarded projects must be completed by December 31, 2024. Applications can be found on the Hyannis BID website. Preference will be given to projects that can be completed by June 30, 2024 and are consistent with Hyannis Main Street Waterfront Historic District Commission guidelines.
Funding for this grant program is being provided by a MassDevelopment Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) Local grant. The program is a continuation of the 2023 Small Business Façade Improvement Grant Program that provided grants to 21 small businesses and resulted in over $400,000 of investment in downtown Hyannis.
OpenCape High-Speed Broadband Connections Now Available Along Main Street Hyannis
OpenCape is now offering high-speed broadband internet connections to properties along Hyannis Main Street. This expansion in service was funded through a $297,000 Town of Barnstable Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
Monthly plans are priced starting at approximately $55 for residential customers and $80 for small businesses. If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please contact Catherine Walton at or at 508-560-6919.
MassDEP Recycling and Reuse Business Development Grant
The MassDEP’s Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant Program provides funding to Massachusetts businesses and non-profit organizations to expand recycling, reuse, and composting infrastructure in Massachusetts. Matching grants up to $400,000 are available and applications are due March 29, 2024.
Cape Cod Entrepreneurs Forever Program
Entrepreneurs Forever is a free program that helps small business owners build confidence and competence by bringing them together to share challenges and create solutions. Each group is skillfully facilitated by a successful small business owner. Members meet online for two hours each month to bond, learn from each other, and engage in honest conversations about the challenges and solutions of running a small business.
The three-year span of this program allows participants time to implement what they’re learning from their peer group while still effectively managing their businesses. This program is organized by the Cape Cod Chamber and funded by a grant from the charitable Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation. There will be an online information session for the program on February 27th.
Town of Barnstable Tourism Mini-Grants
The Town of Barnstable invites local civic associations and non-profits to apply for a 2024 Tourism Mini-Grant. The Tourism Mini-Grant Program is designed to support the town’s seven villages in promoting new or existing events and festivals to draw visitors to the Town of Barnstable. All civic associations and nonprofit organizations within the Town of Barnstable that produce and market events to visitors and/or provide visitor services are eligible to apply. Events that promote off-season visitation are encouraged.
Grants are available up to a maximum of $1,000 per applicant and require one-to-one matching funds. A total of $9,000 is available in funding for the grant program, which is funded through a portion of the Town’s rooms tax revenues.
APPLICATIONS must be submitted to the Town of Barnstable on or before 11:59 pm, Thursday, February 29th, 2024.
Hyannis Youth and Community Center (HYCC) Youth Job Fair
The Barnstable Youth Commission presents the 8TH Annual Youth Job Fair for ages 14-18 taking place on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM at the Hyannis Youth & Community Center, 141 Bassett Lane, Hyannis MA 02601. All are welcome to attend and admission is free.
Local businesses seeking to hire workers between the ages of 14-18 will be on hand with applications, ready to interview and possibly hire the right applicants on the spot. More than 45 businesses participated in 2023 and many count on this annual event to get a head start on their seasonal staffing needs. There are limited spaces for employers and participation is free for both the businesses and students attending.
Applications are available online for businesses wishing to participate and students do not need to register in advance. For more information, please contact Amy Harwood at
Food Safety Manager Training and ServSafe Exam 
The Cape Cod Cooperative Extension is offering a food safety training course that will allow participants to become ServSafe certified. The class takes place at the Homeless Prevention Council at 8 Main Street in Orleans on February 26th from 5:30-7:30pm and the ServSafe exam will be on March 4th from 5:30-7:30pm. The cost of the program is $175 and is now accepting registrations.
Downtown Hyannis Retail Brochure Published
The Hyannis Main Street Business Improvement District (BID) recently published a retail brochure guide to promote the benefits of locating a business in downtown Hyannis. The brochure includes key demographics of the area, testimonials from current Main Street tenants, and key contacts for local entrepreneurs.