Town of Barnstable – Revisions to Cape Cod Commission Review Thresholds in Barnstable/Hyannis (Chapter H)
The Town of Barnstable has been granted approval from the Cape Cod Commission to raise Development of Regional Impact (DRI) project thresholds in the mapped Economic Centers and Industrial Service & Trade Areas outside of the Growth Incentive Zone in Barnstable/Hyannis.
- DRI thresholds for proposed developments in the Economic Center are increased from 10,000 square feet to 20,000 square feet for commercial/industrial land uses.
- DRI thresholds for proposed developments in the Industrial Service & Trade Area are increased from 10,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet for research & development, light manufacturing, and wholesale land uses that are not associated with the use, generation, treatment or storage of hazardous materials in any significant quantity.
- Most proposed commercial, residential, and mixed use development within the Growth Incentive Zone is not subject Cape Cod Commission review.

The Town of Barnstable worked with the Cape Cod Commission to raise the DRI thresholds to cultivate and attract economic development opportunities to the region’s established year-round commercial and economic center. The Town of Barnstable seeks to increase its efforts to encourage planned and appropriate private investment the mapped Economic Centers and Industrial Service and Trade Areas. Raising the thresholds in these areas provides for creative development potential that will be more cost effective and predictable for private developers and businesses. The Town has sufficient regulatory and capital and infrastructure planning measures in place to accommodate any resulting impacts the additional square footage allowable under this request may have on local or regional infrastructure, natural resources, other systems and to support the exceptionally high quality of life that the residents of Cape Cod’s largest town expect.