TDI Barnstable - Hyannis
17 March 2022
Established by the Massachusetts Development and Finance Agency, the TDI program is designed to promote economic growth and sustainability in walkable commercial districts in Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities. Barnstable’s TDI District is located in Downtown Hyannis along Main Street, extending from Yarmouth Road in the East End to High School Road Extension.
Beginning in 2018, town staff and local partners started working with TDI on a part-time basis, developing concepts, plans and projects for streetscape and public realm improvements. The objective was to form local partnerships between businesses, non-profits and government agencies and engage residents and community members in economic development planning and implementation, while attracting more public and private investment at the neighborhood level.
In recognition of the exceptionally strong and sustained collaboration between community partners and the Town over the last two difficult years, MassDevelopment has declared TDI Barnstable a “full District”. This award is a pledge of technical support to the community in the next phases of downtown community and economic development.
This “Short Report” is designed to offer quick updates on current projects in the TDI District, and to offer opportunities for meaningful engagement by you, the reader.

Small Business
Are you a business service provider located on Cape Cod? Get on the list!
A coalition of small business advocates including the Hyannis Main Street BID , Love Live Local and Amplify POC Cape Cod are compiling a database of local service providers as part of the Local Business Boost Program (and beyond) to foster the talent, creativity and skills of Cape Cod’s local businesses. Let’s make it easy for our local businesses to invest in each other and keep dollars flowing right here at home.
Service areas include (but are not limited to): interior and exterior design, small construction jobs, painting, printing and signage, website design, Point-of-Sale implementation, pricing consultation, search engine optimization, social media marketing, photography, branding, graphic design, merchandising, accounting services, legal services, etc.
More information and the request for qualifications can be found here. This list will not only be available to businesses participating in the Local Business Boost Program but will be publicly available online.

Developers: Financial Assistance is Available Now
The TDI Housing Working Group works with the Town, Cape Cod Commission, local residents and local developers to ensure that guidance for resources and regulations are in place to advance housing and mixed-use projects, addressing the needs of the community. In addition to assisting with building an environment that encourages investments in housing production, with a goal to create the full spectrum of financially accessible housing options for current and future residents, this working group is also charged with producing and delivering material and campaigns to help inform housing policy in Hyannis.
The team is currently focused on connecting with property owners who may want to create more housing units on their land and bringing awareness to the recently issued Notice Of Funding Availability by the Affordable Housing Growth and Development Trust Fund Board.

Arts & Culture Ecosystem
Enhancing Hyannis’ Vibe
The TDI Arts and Culture Ecosystem Working Group has the task of enhancing the standing of Hyannis Main Street as a destination for arts and culture. The group accomplishes this by infusing arts and culture into other TDI Partnership initiatives, as well as making efforts to support new and existing arts and culture organizations in the neighborhood. Beyond support and projects at the organizational level, this working group also seeks to develop methods of strengthening the impact of individual artists and musicians in the community; and find ways to evaluate those methods based on their needs and the gaps in available resources.

Public Realm
Creating a Pollinator Pathway
Inspired by the wonderful NYC Highline walk that marries nature, water and the urban landscape in a truly elevated way, we intend to join the Hyannis Main Street BID’s efforts to create a Pollinator Pathway down the length of Main Street. This will include multiple nodes of garden beds that consist of native plants and a series of nearly 150 planters installed along the street to create a corridor that not only showcases the natural beauty of Cape Cod but also creates an ecosystem to help local pollinating species thrive.

Affordable Housing Trust Issues Notice Of Available Funding
For the current funding round, encompassing FY 2022-2023, a total of $2,625,000 is being made available to fund the following priorities: Pre-Development - $225,000 Development - $ 2,400,000

Outdoor Play Oasis Project in collaboration with Hyannis Public Library
Thanks to a $50,000 MassDevelopment grant and $40,000 community matching support, we've successfully raised $94,000 (75%) of the $125,000 project budget.

Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP)
The Town of Barnstable is currently in the process of updating our Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP) last completed in 2010. The updated plan will serve to guide land use decisions in a manner that will enhance the quality of life in the Town of Barnstable over the next ten to twenty years.

Hyannis Downtown Action Strategy
Camoin Associates assisted the TDI Partnership with developing the playbook for how we can all work together to build a more resilient and vibrant year-round economy for Main Street.

Public Space Activation Study
Utile's study is a result of the collaboration between Mass Development’s TDI Partnership, Town of Barnstable staff, and local stakeholders. In addition to an urban site analysis, a public survey and virtual workshop informed the direction and recommendations.
Interested in getting involved with TDI?

The Hyannis TDI Partnership offers a number of ways for local residents, businesses, property owners, and organizations to get involved in helping to grow the local economy.