We have updated and redesigned this website to become a resource for those who live in Barnstable, have a business in Barnstable, and are thinking about starting a business in Barnstable. This site will highlight the Town of Barnstable’s growing economy, its exceptional quality of life, and our town government that is committed to supporting its businesses and residents.
Through BusinessBarnstable, the Town of Barnstable Planning & Development Department’s Economic Development Program will be able to provide information, assistance, and resources to help new businesses start and existing businesses grow within the seven villages of Barnstable.
The website will be a resource for local business owners who want to learn about:
- Town economic development efforts, housing and placemaking projects
- Zoning and other regulatory changes that potentially impact businesses
- Local, state, and federal grant opportunities
It will be a resource for potential new business owners who want to understand:
- Barnstable as a town, its competitive advantages, its people, and its exceptional quality of life
- Permitting and zoning for parcels throughout the town
- Financial incentives that can help make a business dream a reality
It will be a place to learn about and become involved in collaborations and partnerships, with the business and arts communities, to expand and grow our economic base and quality of life.
Some of the highlights of the new Business Barnstable website include:
- Latest news features
- Permitting links for assistance with starting or growing your business in Barnstable
- Business incentives that make Barnstable a great place to start a business
- Redevelopment Spotlight – featured properties for sale that offer unique opportunities and incentives
- Current placemaking, housing, and economic development projects; and
- Business and entrepreneur support opportunities
We want BusinessBarnstable to be your go-to resource for all things business-related in the Town of Barnstable. You can also sign up for our mailing list to get our news updates directly to your inbox.
Gloria McPherson
Planning & Economic Development Coordinator
Amy Harwood
Marketing & Outreach Manager